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Day 23 The first Spring

In Belgium yesterday the climatological Spring started. Often we do not see many changes in the weather proving that such new season has started.

For the Belgian Free Christadelphians though it may be a new Spring bringing some new life. Our new born baby being this website you are looking at.

Today we placed our explanation why we think it is necessary to offer you our services with C4U or "Christ For You" in the article Why Christ for you? and why you can choose for us to follow.

We want to share our brotherly love with you, who we do not know but perhaps can get to know in the future. We do find it important to tell you about Christ Jesus, the Messiah because we have put our hope in him and believe he is really the Way to a better life.

We also do believe Jesus is the one person about who was already spoken in the Garden of Eden and on several occasions in later years for centuries. Many centuries' people were on the lookout for that man to be born. Even many signs were given and so much was already written about him, so many missed his coming to life and did not notice him when he was walking around on this globe. There were many who saw in him a nuisance and a man bringing trouble, undermining their power, so better to be done with. Therefore he was also killed. But strangely enough the killing of him did not make an end to the movement he had started and of which we do consider ourselves a continuation.

As followers of Christ, or Christians, we do want to bring his story and show you the way to him, Jeshua, better known today as Jesus Christ.

Please do accept our invitation to look for him and find one way of guidance or direction to him at this place.

We would love to be the compass in your search for the truth

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We do hope we might find you again on this and some other platforms of ours, where you are also welcome to share your thoughts with us,

like at our ecclesia site Free Christadelphians Leuven-Brussel

​​​or at the Brethren site: Christadelphians


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