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First blog post

Welcome to this Christian blog.

2015 February the 7th the Free Christadelphians started this blog in addition to some other blogs they have already running for some time on the net.

Day 1

Just to try out how we can reach people on the net and share some thoughts with them.

Many may think religious people are not of this world or do not belong in this world. Sorry to disappoint you when you thought religious people have no reason to be here on this earth, because they are just a worthless discomfort.

We do know this world sometimes turns besurk or frenetic, though all who are on it are creatures which are allowed to be there by, what we do believe, the Creator, so nobody should complain about the others when there is no absolute real good reason for.

Living in this world we also do have to cope with it and find ways to "live with it".

In our trials to cope with this world we do want to let some few notes now and then in this journal and hope to find some connection with some other beings on this earth.

See you soon back again.

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Free Christadelphians

Foksweg 14

B.3061 Leefdaal-Bertem



European Union


Telephone : 003227671902

Email : christadelphians_be(at)

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Thank you very mcuh for visiting us.

We do hope we might find you again on this and some other platforms of ours, where you are also welcome to share your thoughts with us,

like at our ecclesia site Free Christadelphians Leuven-Brussel

​​​or at the Brethren site: Christadelphians


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